According to an eyewitness, a D.C. Police detective (pictured above w/ gun) went nuts after kids pelted his Hummer with snowballs at 14th and U Streets NW this afternoon. The veteran detective got out of his car and eventually grabbed for his gun, displaying it to the crowd. He did not immediately identify himself as a police officer. He calmed down once his fellow uniformed cop arrived. Apparently, someone called 911 to report a man with gun.
So, yeah – that kinda harshes the mellow a bit.
But, in more fun news, Tommy Wells has the right idea – as Mike DeBonis Sven Frostington shows:
Layers, indeed. Dress like an onion, Tommy. Also, nice hat.
Riding the storm out
Waiting for the fallout
On a full moon night in the Rocky Mountain winter
Wine bottle’s low
Watching for the snow
I’ve been thinking about what I’ve been missing in the city
Other fun items as I sit around with nothing else to do.
Having been outside, I must say that this isn’t the greatest snowball packing snow – it’s a little on the dry side. Would be great for skiing, however.